
So this has been a long time coming but now I am here to update you as a Junior in Materials Science and Engineering at The Ohio State University.

In preparation for the upcoming Autumn quarter I recently endeavored to find my books early, which was a first for me, and it has been pretty simple and painless.  Now I just need the books to come in. My little sister showed me.  I know how that reads, but she is an incoming freshman and the university always gives updates to the freshmen: how to use ohiostate.bncollege.com to find books required for my classes even before the teacher released the syllabus.

This came in very handy for my GEC and EDU PAES classes but unfortunately MSE has not registered the classes I was looking for. So, my sister and I went to SBX and found the ISBN number of my MSE 526 book. At home I then went to Amazon, found the book like $30 cheaper and bought it online.  I suggest trying the two methods I used to find the textbooks at a cheaper price.

This is just one of many posts to come.  I promise, and once I make a promise I keep the promise.